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Tay clan have been enjoying drama lessons based around story telling. This week, we had a go at hot-seating. In hot-seating, we pretend that we are a character and answer questions, from others, as if we were in that particular character's shoes. We listened to the end of a story, as we have been working... Continue reading Tay Clan - Drama and Advent
Schiehallion have had a really fun week doing lots of different activities linked to Book Week Scotland. We started the week by designing new covers for our favourite books. Some of the clan chose to create a new cover for our class novel 'The Last Bear' - while others chose their own books. We also... Continue reading Book Week Scotland in Schiehallion
Tay clan have had a great week celebrating Book Week Scotland! We worked collaboratively to make a book cover of our clan novel - The Land of Roar. Some clan members drew the cover of the book and the rest of the clan drew small pictures of characters or scenes from the book that we... Continue reading Book Week in Tay Clan
Astro Gymnastics is a West Lothian accredited community sports club and a charity based in Livingston. Do you know someone who would love to try gymnastics? (And just to remind you it's not just for the kids!) Is 2025 going to be THE year to learn something new? Could gymnastics be for you? Want to... Continue reading Astro Gymnastics Free Trial
Tay clan were very proud to share their literacy learning with families this week. We were very excited to demonstrate what and how we have been learning in our writing lessons and the progress we have made in our writing. It was a lovely afternoon. Thank you to everyone who attended. We also enjoyed listening... Continue reading Tay Clan - Sharing the Learning
This week in Schiehallion we've been writing Halloween poems. Our aim was to write riddle poems using six clues to describe a Halloween object. The reader would then have to guess what they think the poem is about. We used our descriptive language skills that we developed last term to help write our clues. I... Continue reading Spooky Schiehallion
Last week, our P3-7 clans took part in Financial Education Sessions, kindly delivered by Money Advice Scotland. These sessions looked at Introduction to Money, Budgeting for Events, and Banking and Borrowing. The children thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and learning about such an important subject.
Please find information about our Pupil/Family challenge linked to our Calderwood Skills focus here: Calderwood Skills If you would like to enter our challenge, please use this template: Calderwood Skills Template If you'd like a hard copy in class, please ask your champion. All entries to be handed to Miss Connor by Tuesday... Continue reading Calderwood Skills: A pupil and family challenge
For our new school year we have to vote in our new pupil council for 2024-2025. The expectation for all pupils wishing to be part of our council is to undergo a challenge. P1-3 Challenge here: 2024_25 Calderwood Council Election P1-3 P4-6 Challenge here: 2024_25 Calderwood Council Election P4-6 Pupils will be... Continue reading Pupil Council: The Challenge