What have Bramble Clan Been Up To This Week?
We’ve had lots of fun in our Clan this week including playing hopscotch in the sun.
In numeracy, we explained to each other what odd and even numbers were. We then recapped on counting up in 2s, we did it together, silently whispering our odd numbers and then shouting out our even numbers. We did really well and some of us even attempted to count up in 11s!
In literacy, as part of our ‘Invisible Strings’ topic, we wrote letters to people we love, we then shared these with our class. We remembered to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Mrs Findlay was so proud of us for sounding out tricky words.
In health and wellbeing, we listened to a story called ‘Bounce Back’ which was about resilience. We learned that even if we can’t do something at the moment, if we keep trying we will eventually be able to do it. We completed sheets with 3 things we ‘can’ do already and 1 thing we ‘can’t’ do YET. Mrs Findlay is a bit concerned as lots of us want to learn to drive so she explained that we will need to wait until we are older but in the meantime, we can practise riding our bikes and scooters. We decided not to use the word ‘can’t’ in our Clan and instead use the phrase ‘I will try’.
We are looking forward to our last day based in Mid Calder Primary and can’t wait until we move into Calderwood on Wednesday. Only 5 more sleeps to go! Have a lovely weekend everyone.