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Chefs @ Calderwood

This week Rannoch Clan worked alongside Ness and Tay to begin our new IDL learning.  First of all, we had a feel in Mrs Scobie’s big bag and described what we felt inside it, using interesting adjectives.  Inside the bag were different cooking items and we learnt what we would use them for.

In the next few weeks we are going to learn about food and develop our culinary skills to become cooking champions and the finest chefs in Calderwood.

Our first task was to complete our chef ID cards.  We watched a video and then afterwards reflected on the skills and qualities that a chef might have.  We wrote our names and drew our faces on our own ID cards.  We also wrote our favourite food and our current cooking skills.

We then wrote down 3 things that we would like to achieve and develop through our learning about food. Hopefully over the coming weeks we can get better at cooking and maybe help out at home.

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