Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 03/11/22
Calderwood Commitments (Actions):
Calderwood Communication (For information):
Absence/ lateness: In line with West Lothian policy we are required to issue a letter to families whose child’s attendance has dropped below 90% for that month. If this continues for a second month then you are invited to the school for a support meeting. The letters issued follow the West Lothian Council templates.
Calderwood Calendar:
- Term 2 Calendar Updated
- Week beginning 7th November: Poppies on Sale for a donation
- 7th November: School Photo Day
- 11th November at 9:30am: Ben Lawers Clan Connects (Assembly) – 2 family members per child are invited to attend.
- 14th November at 7:00pm: West Calder Cluster Parent Council Event: Let’s Talk Scottish Education
18th November: Scottish Book Week Dress up/ down day (no donation required). 11:00-11:50: Sharing the learning event: One family member can attend. A blog post will be coming soon with more information about Book Week Scotland.
Capturing Calderwood (Twitter snapshot):
- Calderwood Can Achievements
- Creepy Calderwood
Calderwood Compliments:
- Thank you to everyone who has signed up to be a parent helper, you can still apply by clicking here.
- Thank you to our Parent Council for organising a Halloween fundraiser, and to everyone who donated. They managed to raise £481.50.
- Our recent dress down day in September fundraiser, along with a £500 donation from the Parent Council has enabled us to renew our Sumdog subscription for Primary 2-7.
- Congratulationsto Mrs Castillon who graduated from West Lothian College at the weekend, we are very proud of her.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton