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Nursery Chronicle 04.11.22

Nursery Chronicle 04.11.22
Calderwood Commitments (Actions):
  • Please note this is for 1 parent only and please only use the YES option – DO NOT use the IF NEED BE option as this will book up places.
Calderwood Calendar 
We are continuing our Autumn walks next week, please ensure your child continues to bring warm clothes and outdoor shoes for this.
14th -18th NovemberScottish Book Week dress up/ down any day your child chooses (no donation required). Your child can bring a teddy to nursery to listen to a story with us (we have spare teddies if required). 
15th-18th November : Book Bug Sessions will run across Tuesday-Friday of Book Week with Mrs Shemilt in nursery. You can book a slot aboveplease only use the YES option – DO NOT use the IF NEED BE option as this will book up places. We invite one family member per child to these sessions

Calderwood Communication (for information)
A reminder that Nursery photo day will be on 23rd January. There will be an opportunity for sibling photos with children in school and nursery on this day.
In Nursery the changes in weather and things around us have sparked interest in the children. We have been learning all about Autumn. You can find more here:
HOME LINK: Go on an autumn scavenger hunt can you find the things below?
Please share any photos with us on your Online Learning Journal.
As ever, thank you for your continued support. If you would like to leave us any feedback, please click here.
Calderwood Compliments
Thank you to everyone who has signed up to be a parent helper, you can still apply by clicking here.
  • Thank you to our Parent Council for organising a Halloween fundraiser, and to everyone who donated. They managed to raise £431.50.
Kindest Regards,

The Nursery Champions

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