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Cost of Living Crisis

Energy Prices skyrocketing!

Food and petrol prices rising!

Taxes and wages stagnating!

Rent prices are on the rise!

Heating or eating?

Nobody should have to make that a choice!

If you are experiencing financial difficulties due to the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’, please know that at Calderwood Primary School, we are here to help signpost you to the services available.

West Lothian Council’s Anti-Poverty service has devised some resources to support families online, if you need to make use of the school WIFI or devices to do so, get in touch and arrangements will be made to support this.

Community Food Outlets:

Advice Shop Services:

Practical Help:

Practical help and support through the development of self-help booklets, which will be held in a central location to allow support to be accessed easily and quickly, a dedicated information hub has been created to hold all cost of living support information.

Welcome Warm Places:

Welcoming warm places across West Lothian which can provide a warm space for people to rest in addition to acting as a hub where they can access advice and support in relation to the cost of living (also includes information about community food providers).

Please contact us if you are worried about anything, we understand that Christmas can be a particularly difficult time for families. If you are worried or have any questions about how the school can help, call in at the office and ask to speak to someone from the Equity Team and we will get back in touch.








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