Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 18/11/22
Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 18/11/22
Calderwood Commitments (Actions):
- Christmas Jumper Swap Shop
- Calderwood Cares – Draft policies and strategies – Please have a look and complete the consultation
Calderwood Communication (For information):
- Christmas Fayre
- Scottish Child Payment Advice
- Cost of Living Advice
We have noticed that an increased number of children are wearing digital watches that allow them to make calls, we recognise that this is a way to support your child in being independent when travelling to and from school. Unfortunately, children have been using these watches to make calls in the playground and in the clan rooms. If your child does wear one of these watches, can you please ensure the call function is switched off during the school day. If children are feeling unwell or there has been an incident, the office or their champion will give you a call.
We have the ongoing concern of sugary snacks in school for break times, for example lollipops, ‘brain lickers’, share bags of sweets and crisps, etc. I understand that some of this will be following the Halloween period, could you please try and ensure these types of treats, especially ones like lollipops (that are a choking hazard) are not brought in for break time. We have fruit available at the front foyer for any child that requires a snack.
I love that children can scoot and cycle to school, increasing their independence and daily exercise, however I am aware as our roll increases, the path along the front of the school and nursery is increasing busy in the morning and at pick up. We would like to recommend that children walk their scooters and bikes in this area (like they do when exiting the playground) to ensure everyone is safe when using the path.
Now that the weather has taken a turn for the winter, we are aware that more families are choosing to use the car park. Unfortunately, our families and champions this week, have reported their health and safety fears. More families are using the carpark at pick up that what it has capacity for, meaning that people are double parked, making it difficult to safely cross the car park and champs are not able to get out of spaces at the end of the day (staff have different shift patterns). If you are choosing to use the carpark, please ensure you are considerate of others and the safety of our children, families and staff, and are parking in a space.
Champion update:
– Mrs Love, Skye Clan Champ, starts her maternity leave on 25th November, we wish lots of luck and love for this exciting time. Mrs Bryson will take over as Skye Clan champ for the rest of the session.
– Mrs Birrell joins us on 21st November and will support with teachers non contact time, initially in Mull, Orkney, Shetland and Skye.
Calderwood Calendar:
- Term 2 Calendar
- Christmas Countdown Calendar
- 18th November: Sharing the learning event
- 19th November: Day of Japanese Culture
- 22nd November: Calderwood Can Chats: Sharing the learning event
- 23rd November: Nasal Flu Sprays
- 25th November: Thistle Calderwood Connects: Email invite has been sent out
Capturing Calderwood (Twitter snapshot):
- Book Week Scotland
Calderwood Compliments:
- Thank you to everyone who donated to our Poppy Scotland Appeal.
- Congratulations to Ben Lawers for hosting our first Clan Connects for families last week, we are very proud of you all!
- Thank you to our champs for organising as exciting Book Week Scotland.
- Thank you to everyone who attended our Parent Council event, in person and online.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton