Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 01/12/22
Calderwood Commitments (Actions):
- Christmas Panto payment on iPay – £2 per child: 28/11/22 – 05/12/22: Please let us know if you require support with this.
- P1 Nativity tickets donations open on iPay
- Calderwood Can Chats Feedback
Calderwood Communication(For information):
- East Calder Scouts Santa Sleigh Event
- Leg it to Lapland
- Safe routes to school in icy weather: A reminder that path at Glenshee Gate (along Nethershiel Road) is not gritted by the school. If anyone in the community can support us with gritting they playground on frosty mornings, please let the office know.
Calderwood Calendar:
- 1st December: 6pm: Calderwood Christmas Tree Light Switch on: Choir members have received an email
- 2nd December: 9:30am: Bramble Calderwood Connects: Email invite has been sent out
- 2nd December: 1:00-3:00pm:Parent Council Christmas Fayre
- 5th December: Panto: Please see social story
- 7th December: Christmas Lunch Day: Children can wear a Christmas jumper to school, and normal school uniform on bottoms, orders for Christmas lunch are closed
- 9th December: 11:15am: Bluebell Calderwood Connects: Email invite has been sent out
- 11th December: Community Christmas Service
- 13th December:West Calder High School: Evening of Music
Calderwood Compliments:
- Thistle Clan Connects: A huge well done to the children and champions in Thistle Clan, for their assembly last week. It showcased their literacy learning in a fun creative, digital and engaging way!
- Thank you to everyone involved in our Primary 2-3 safari excursions this week. The children really enjoyed the opportunity to experience learning in a real life context. Thank you to all our parent/ carer helpers.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton