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Calderwood Nursery Chronicle 22.12.22

Calderwood Nursery Chronicle 22_12_22

Calderwood Commitments (Actions): 

  • A gentle reminder that all lost property should be collected by 23rd

Calderwood Calendar

  • 9th January: Nursery Opens
  • 10th January: Potential School Strike Day: Nursery open as normal, school office closed, absences should be reported through the nursery


Calderwood Communication (For information): 

  • Parent Council Christmas Fundraisers: The Parent Council are still calculating the amount raised from the Fayre, raffle and Christmas Cards. The estimated amount is £4,250. This is an amazing amount raised, thank you to everyone who helped to organise these fundraisers. These funds will be used to buy iPads for our clans.
  • Child Flu Drop In Clinic
  • A gentle reminder of our nursery times:
    • The nursery opens in the morning at 7:47am for AM places and 8:00am for full day places, on a Friday 8am for all. We would request that all children try to arrive by 9am so that they can be registered correctly, can order their lunch before the cut off time and have the opportunity to take part in any clan learning experiences.
    • The nursery opens in the afternoon at 12:30pm for M places and 12:45pm for short places. We would request that all children try to arrive by 1pm so that they can be registered correctly, can order their lunch before the cut off time and have the opportunity to take part in any clan learning experiences.


Calderwood Compliments:

On behalf of all the champions at Calderwood, I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for all your support, as we started Calderwood Chapter Two, we are looking forward to what 2023 brings!


Miss Burton


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