Nursery Chronicle
Calderwood Nursery Chronicle 13.1.22
Calderwood Commitments Actions:
- If your child does not attend nursery on a Monday, please sign up for a slot for nursery photo day on 23rd January by clicking here.
Calderwood Calendar
23rd January – Photo Day
Calderwood Communication (For information):
Welcome back!
A warm welcome back to all our nursery families. We hope you all had a restful and fun break during the holidays. We are looking forward to the months and the exciting experiences, learning and play that will come. We will continue to share our journey with you through the Chronicle and Online Learning Journals.
Photo Day
Tempest Photography will visit the nursery on Monday 23rd January to take individual and sibling photos of the children. You will receive a copy and order form for these photos after this day. If you would like to purchase the photo, please return the form to nursery. If your child does not attend nursery on a Monday, please choose a slot by clicking here.
Champion Update
A warm welcome to Miss Skinner our new area support manager this week. She has visited our nursery on Wednesday and Thursday and enjoyed her visits.
This week we have loved welcoming back the children with new experiences in our environment. The children have been interested in learning all about birds. We have been making nests and learning all about different birds.
When you are out and about, try to spot any birds! If you find any take a photo and share with us on Online Learning Journals.
You can use this to help with the identification process
Calderwood Compliments
Thank you to our families for supporting us transitioning our children back into nursery after the holidays!
As ever, thank you for your continued support. If you would like to leave us any feedback, please click here.
Kindest Regards,
The Nursery Champions