Thistle loves Scotland
We have been really enjoying learning all about Scottish words and phrases. We have been creating some very special poems to share with our families at Calderwood Caledonia evening. We investigated the clans associated with our surnames and re-created their tartans.
We have been investigating famous scots and have focused as a whole clan on Mary, Queen of Scots. We have been learning about bias, exploring how people lived in the 1500’s and designing our own crests and shields. We are very excited for all our visitors to see our timeline we have created.
We have been exploring Scottish words and translating them into standard English, we loved hearing stories such as Clan MacWee and Mr Men come to Scotland.
Using Scottish maps we have explored co-ordinates and plotted cities, mountains, rivers and landmarks.
In PE, we have been learning skills such as rhythm, timing and the polka in Scottish Country Dancing. We have also been developing our understanding of tolerance and respect when dancing with new partners.