Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 05/05/23
Calderwood Commitments (Actions):
- If you, a family member or a Calderwood resident can support us with Developing the Young Workforce, please complete this form.
- Questionnaires: Each year West Lothian Council issue ethos questionnaires to gain some feedback. Primary 5-7 children also complete this in clan. We would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete:
- Term 4 Learning Letters
- C in the Park Performers Request
Calderwood Calendar:
- Term 4 Calendar link Updated – updates in yellow
- 01/05/23- 10/05/23: iPay Impact open to Purchase Rookie Rockstars Tickets
- 05/05/23: Chiefs, House and Vice Captains, please wear your Primary 7 shirt and ties as supporting with visitors/ tour.
- 08/05/23: School and Nursery closed.
- 10/05/23-11/05/23: Validated Self Evaluation from West Lothian Council – Visitors in school
- 10/05/23: Ben Lawers Excursion: Active schools: Cross Country: Unfortunately failure to return the EE2 means they will not be able to go on the excursion. Please see separate email.
- 11/05/23: 6pm: Parent Council Meeting: Arena or online: Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 432 133 3221 Passcode: 202305
Parents and carers can submit suggested items for discussion to: or through your clan rep.
- 19/05/23: P5 Excursion: Active schools: Swimming Assessment: Unfortunately, failure to return the EE2 means they will not be able to go on the excursion. Please see separate email.
- 19/05/23: 11:15am: Skye Clan Calderwood Connects – 2 family members welcome.
Calderwood Communication:
- Rookie Rockstars
- Parent Council Minutes
Calderwood Compliments:
- On our inservice day this week, all our champs took part in outdoor learning training from Love Outdoor Learning as part of our school improvement plan. A huge thank you to our Parent Council for paying for this training and a subscription to resources for us from the Magic Miles 2022 fundraising pot! Without the support, this opportunity would not have been available to us and we can see the impact on the clans already this week. Thank you.
- This week we received a child protection audit from West Lothian Council, which highlighted that all our paperwork and processes were correct with no points for improvement. Our Pupil Council reported that:
- staff look after them and make them feel safe : “all staff are approachable”
- an ethos of community and kindness within the school: ”We don’t just take care of ourselves, we take care of each other”
- they have at least one trusted ‘champion’. They spoke about other ways they can share worries such as emotional check-ins, worry monsters, worry boxes etc.
- school helps them look after their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing through HWB lessons, assemblies and activities
- they learn about keeping themselves safe by using online, bonfire/firework, road and personal safety strategies.
I hope you all enjoy the long weekend!
Miss Burton