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Calderwood Nursery Chronicle 2.06.23

Calderwood Nursery Chronicle 2.06.23

Calderwood Calendar


06/06/23- 6:00pm Parent Council Meeting: In Arena and online
09/06/23 – PM East Calder Gala Day Crowning Ceremony
10/06/23 East Calder Gala Walk
12/06/23 Pre-school Children – New P1 transition Buddy Bear Picnic


You can find upcoming dates here

Calderwood Commitments Actions:


Calderwood Communication (For information):

Care inspectorate

The Care Inspectorate recently visited our nursery the report in now available to view

Nursery-P1 transition

Last week we had information sessions for our August 2023, Primary 1 families. You can find the information we shared here. Other information about transition into Primary 1 23/24 can be found here. 

Sun cream

Thank you to everyone for providing your child with sun cream, this means they can enjoy the outdoors in warmer weather. We appreciate all who have taken the time to apply this to your child on arrival, this speeds up the process of them getting outside.

Hot weather clothing

The children enjoy active play experiences inside and out while at nursery please check their spare clothes suit the season. Shoes should have closed toes to support safe play.

Free School Meal and Clothing Grant

Calderwood Community Cupboard

East Calder Gala day Events



Healthy eating and exploring patterns: Try making patterns out of healthy foods – different shapes, flowers or faces

As always, please share any experiences with us on Online Learning Journals.

As ever, thank you for your continued support. If you would like to leave us any feedback, please click here.

Kindest Regards,

The Nursery Champions

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