Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 25/08/23
Link to PDF: Calderwood Chronicle_25_08_23
Calderwood Commitments (Actions):
- Primary 5 – 7: Bring Your Own Device. If you would like your child to take part please complete the permission slip with your child, this will start from 28th You can find more information here.
Calderwood Calendar:
- Term 1 Calendar link
- 25/08/23: Dress Down Day: (For school funds) Please no football strips or crop tops. If you like to make a donation you can do this on iPay by clicking on funds, Dress Down Day.
- 30/08/23: P5-7 Karate Taster sessions: Can wear their P.E kit to school
- 06/09/23 & 07/09/23: Visit My Clan
Calderwood Communication:
- Invisible Strings Learning: Click here to find out more about what our clans have been learning during the first two weeks back.
- First Week Back Photos
- P7 Dalguise Parent Session: Click here to see the presentation.
- Routines: Thank you for bearing with us as we navigate our routines and to the parents who have supported us with ideas to refine them. We received some enquires via the Parent Council about the cabins and playground and we have responded to the concern.
- iPay: You can click here to find advice on how to use iPay. All families should use this system to order their child’s lunch or note that they are bringing a pack lunch from home.
- Community Event: Almondell Cemetery Public Art Unveiling Invite
- Term 1 P.E Days
- Parent Council Welcome Letter
- Jets & Simply Play: If your child is using of one these services please ensure you inform them of your child’s clan so the champions know who in their clan should attend at the of the school day. If your child is absent from school or if there are changes to your plans, it is important you contact Simply Play or Jets to let them know this information so they can update their registers and to safe any confusion at pick up.