Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 02/02/24
Download here: Calderwood Chronicle 02_02_24
Calderwood Calendar:
- Term 3 Family Calendar
- 06/02/24: 5-5.30pm Calderwood Cares Curriculum Chat: Health and Wellbeing: Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Teams: Meeting ID: 350 683 760 268 Passcode:7jEeKg
- 09/02/24: 11:15am: Clan Calderwood Connects: Schiehallion: 2 family members can attend
- 12/02/24: 19/02/24: School closed for February Break
- 21/02/24: 6pm – Parent Council Meeting – In Arena and online
- 23/02/24 11:15am: Clan Calderwood Connects: Perth Clan – Two family members can attend
- 23/02/24: Dress Down Day: School funds: Donations can be made on iPay 19th to 23rd February (No football tops or crop tops please)
Calderwood Communication:
Calderwood Construction:
- You can find extension plans and drone footage here.
Works Completed in the Week
- Internal partitions have started.
Two Week Look Ahead
- Continue installing SFS board.
- Continue Curtain Walling install and start glazing.
- Continue internal Partitions on 1st floor.
Calderwood Compliments:
- Thank you to everyone who support our Caledonian Celebration, you can find more information
- This week we had our Poetry Recital Competition, the talent on stage was fantastic. Well done to everyone who took part and to our competition champions, you can find out more about the event here.