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Stirling Clan 9.2.24

Hello Folks!

In Stirling clan we have been exploring how to keep ourselves safe online.

We set out the following goals:

  • I can discuss my online life.
  • I understand that my online presence requires me to have strategies for safe use.
  • I can identify adults that I trust and who can help when I have a worry or a question

We discussed how we use technology and the internet and voted for our favourite things to do, gaming and watching videos came out on top!

We then watched these clips:

Sharing Pictures (6 minutes)
Playing Games (9 minutes 15)
Both films available here: Jessie Friends videos (

This prompted a clan discussion around what rules we could have to make sure we are always safe when using the internet. We came up with the following rules:

People you don’t know are strangers.
When you are online or playing a game people are not always who they say they are.

Be nice to people.
Be as nice as you would be if you were in school or playing together.

Keep your personal information private.
Don’t tell people online where you live or the school you go to.
Never take a photo of you and send it to a stranger, even if they ask. Photos are also private.

If you ever get that feeling in your body that tells you something isn’t right, maybe you feel a bit worried, then tell an adult you trust.

We decided we wanted to create posters to remind of our rules in a fun and interesting way. We chose some posters to stay in our clan and then delivered other posters to P1-3 for them to use in their ICT areas.

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