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Tay clan have been enjoying drama lessons based around story telling. This week, we had a go at hot-seating. In hot-seating, we pretend that we are a character and answer questions, from others, as if we were in that particular character's shoes. We listened to the end of a story, as we have been working... Continue reading Tay Clan - Drama and Advent
This week, Tummel clan finished reading The Last Bear by Hannah Gold. The Last Bear follows 11-year-old April Wood on a journey to Bear Island, where she discovers a stranded polar bear affected by climate change. Despite being told no bears remain, April befriends and helps him, embarking on a courageous mission to return him... Continue reading From Bear Island to the Stage: Tummel Clan's Adventures in Storytelling and Performance
Calderwood Chronicle 29_11_24 Calderwood Commitments: Christmas Lunch: Orders are now closed for Christmas lunch. If you did not order a lunch for your child, they will be required to bring a packed lunch from home. Panto: Cost £1.50 per child: iPay open 20th November-3rd December. Please let us know if you require support with... Continue reading Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 29/11/24
We have had a busy week in Burns clan! At the start of the week we started our new math's concept, adding decimals. We used Aldi brochures and created a roast dinner before adding up the total cost. Later in the week we were exploring film making as part of our new IDL topic. We... Continue reading Burn's Clan
Last week, Primary 5 from Ben Lawers Clan had an amazing trip to Edinburgh's Festival Theatre to see the pantomime Cinderella! The bus ride was full of excitement, and the theatre's grand stage took our breath away. From Buttons' hilarious jokes to the Ugly Stepsisters' outrageous costumes, the show had us laughing, cheering, and shouting... Continue reading Ben Lawers Clan Blog: P5 Trip to Cinderella!
For Book Week Scotland 2024, Muir Clan created some beautifully detailed alternative front covers for the novel we are reading in clan. They were displayed in class and everyone had the opportunity to vote for three of their favourite designs. 1st Place ... Continue reading Book Week in Muir
Schiehallion have had a really fun week doing lots of different activities linked to Book Week Scotland. We started the week by designing new covers for our favourite books. Some of the clan chose to create a new cover for our class novel 'The Last Bear' - while others chose their own books. We also... Continue reading Book Week Scotland in Schiehallion
To celebrate Book Week Scotland, Rannoch clan worked together to create their own front covers for our clan novel, 'Land of Roar'. Everyone put so much effort into their designs and they turned out amazing. It was very hard for us to pick a winner! We also completed a book quiz where we scored 7/10... Continue reading Book Week in Rannoch Clan
Tay clan have had a great week celebrating Book Week Scotland! We worked collaboratively to make a book cover of our clan novel - The Land of Roar. Some clan members drew the cover of the book and the rest of the clan drew small pictures of characters or scenes from the book that we... Continue reading Book Week in Tay Clan
This week in Burns clan we have lots of fun celebrating Scottish Book week. At the start of the week we made our way down to the P2 clans to read them a story. We also created our own book covers based on our favourite books and clan reading books. Later in the week we... Continue reading Booktastic Week in Burns Clan
This week, Baird have enjoyed a range of reading and writing activities to celebrate Book Week Scotland. We were given the opportunity to deliver the book bags to the Primary 3 clans and read their books together. Both Baird and P3 loved this experience! We have also created some new front covers for books we... Continue reading Book Week Scotland in Baird
Tummel Clan have had a wonderful time celebrating Book Week Scotland! We took part in a number of quizzes and competitions including guessing the Champion book "shelfie" and designing our very own book covers. We even got a chance to create fact files and quizzes about some of our favourite reads - check them out... Continue reading Book Week Scotland in Tummel Clan