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Update on the Opening of Calderwood Primary

Dear Parent/Carer,


As explained during the recent information sessions, the opening date for the school was dependent on the construction completion, following the impact of the COVID pandemic on the build programme. It was our intention for children to start attending the Calderwood building following the October school break. I am delighted to inform you that the completion date has exceeded expectation and that we are now able to provide the following update.


Primary pupils will start attending the Calderwood building from Wednesday 22nd September (following the September break). Miss Burton and her school team will make arrangements for ‘familiarisation’ visits for pupils prior to their first official day in the building. These will be confirmed once the new session is underway. Visits for parents/carers will be organised when possible, in line with Scottish Government COVID-19 guidance for schools and further information will follow.


Nursery children will start attending Calderwood Nursery from Monday 18th October. This date differs as the nursery requires to be registered with the Care Inspectorate prior to operating.


I am sure that this is welcome and exciting news for your child(ren) and your family, and I am looking forward to our new school being a busy, fun and engaging learning environment at the heart of the Calderwood community.

Kind regards,

Greg Welsh

Head of Education (Primary)

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