Opening Day Reminders
Dear parent/ carer,
The excitement is building in our champion team as our opening day is almost here!
We have made two videos to celebrate the end of our chapter and the start of a new one that we would love you to share with your child:
Can I please make two pleas to help us ensure that Wednesday goes to plan:
- Please try to have your child at school on time.
- I fully understand that is very tempting to wait around on Wednesday morning to see the red carpet entrance but you will recognise that schools are still following some Covid restrictions, which includes no gathering at the school gates. Can I please request that you keep the walkway from the playground gate at the car park entrance (Glencoe entrance) to the school entrance clear, as the children will walk along there to enter the building. We are recording the event and taking photos.
A reminder that everything you need to know is here:
Our office phone number is: 01506 280061.
I look forward to seeing our children on Wednesday.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton