Sumdog in Calderwood
We’re delighted to announce that very soon your child will take home a card detailing their username, password, and school code for Sumdog.
There are some exciting competitions in the not-so-distant future (during which we get the opportunity to try our tenacity against schools in the whole of West Lothian Council) – the first begins on 29th October and ends on 4th November and the second starts on 26th November and ends on 2nd December. We cannot wait to see what Calderwood is made of!
These competitions and Sumdog will be familiar to some but please do read on if you need further information or just fancy a refresher:
Our clans can develop their Calderwood Communicates skills through accessing Grammar and Spelling on Sumdog. They can also explore their Calderwood Counts understanding through challenging themselves in Numeracy and Maths activities. The fun doesn’t stop when the children exit their clans – they are most welcome to explore learning on Sumdog at home using the log in details supplied on their cards; Children will be periodically set tasks by their Champions on Sumdog to complete at home and can also extend and support their learning through free-choice activities.