The Bens visit WCHS Digilab!
On 3.11.21 Ben Lawers and Ben Lomond had the fantastic opportunity to visit West Calder High School. The aim of this visit was to explore transition from primary to secondary education and further develop key skills for life and work, required for success in the STEM sector.
Computational thinking is highly sought-after globally; through this visit we developed our knowledge, skills and understanding in computational thinking (and had a great time doing it).
Here are some quotes from the Bens to show quite how much fun we had:
When we went to West Calder High School we had so much fun and I want to go back. I think we need to go again but do something different next time. I think it was the best trip ever – A
I liked it because we coded drones and Lego cars. We got a tour as well my favourite part was the drones and we got the bus there and had lunch there. We all got to talk to our friends at lunch and the class met new people we met a teacher called Mr Murphy and 4 S6’s. Who helped us while we were coding the cars and drones. – M
I loved flying drone & driving Lego cars it was amazing I had lots of fun. – Z
I loved it because it could do flips and I did lots of times. – B
I loved it. It was fun. The race was the best! S
I like it because we got a tour and got to code drones and Lego cars my favourite was the drones. – H
West Calder High School was AMAZING because of the drones and the coding tech. – A
It was fun the drones were my favourite thing and the cars. – S
I had such fun time my favourite is the drones. The cars where so cool we got to control the cars. – R
I liked the drones and the Lego cars. – A
When we went to West Calder high school and we flew drones with the S6s and we had lunch at we took a tour around the school. – R
I felt scared at the beginning but the more we got through, the more exited I got. I was mind blown when we were going to program a drone. The Lego race cars were super awesome! – E
Yes, I loved it. It was so much fun and a great experience. – H