Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 25/11/22
Calderwood Commitments (Actions):
- Christmas Jumper Swap Shop
- Christmas Lunch to be ordered on iPay by 28th November. Please note if your child is having a packed lunch that day.
- Christmas Fayre donations open on iPay: 28/11/22 – 03/12/22
- Christmas Panto payment on iPay – £2 per child: 28/11/22 – 05/12/22: Please let us know if you require support with this.
- P1 Nativity tickets donations open on iPay
Calderwood Communication (For information):
- East Calder Scouts Santa Sleigh Event
- Parent Council Minutes: 15/11/22
- Sustrans iBike Project
- Safe routes to school in icy weather: A reminder that path at Glen shee Gate (along Nethershiel Road) is not gritted by the school. If anyone in the community can support us with gritting, they playground on frosty mornings, please let the office know.
- If your child is going to be absent please ensure you have rang or emailed the school by 9:15am, failure to do this will result in having to use the next steps in the safe arrivals policy to ensure your child is safe. It is also important that you note the reason for absence if you send an email, or leave a voicemail, otherwise the office will have to contact you for further information. If you have a diagnosis of an infectious illness following a consultation with the doctor, can you please inform us.
Calderwood Calendar:
- 25th November: 11:15am: Thistle Calderwood Connects: Email invite has been sent out
- 2nd December: 9:30am: Bramble Calderwood Connects: Email invite has been sent out
- 1st December: 6pm: Calderwood Christmas Tree Light Switch on: Choir members have received an email
- 2nd December: 1:00-3:00pm: Parent Council Christmas Fayre
Capturing Calderwood (Twitter snapshot):
- Calderwood Counts
Calderwood Compliments:
- Capturing Calderwood: Book Week Scotland Feedback
- Glasgow Institute of Architects Awards for Calderwood
- Thank you to everyone who was able to pop in for Calderwood Can Chats, we look forward to offering more of these opportunities over the school year.
- Congratulations to Miss Miller for her graduation this week – Masters in Professional Education and Leadership.
- Today is Mrs Love’s, last day for now, as she leaves to go on maternity. We wish her lots of love, health and happiness. We are excited to meet the newest edition of the Love family.
- Book Week Scotland Learning
Kind regards,
Miss Burton