Thistle 2.12.22
This week in Thistle we have been working on using Teams to keep track of our learning throughout the week. We have been learning new skills when using a keyboard and using the Teams app. We are happy to share these assignments at home so parents can see and leave feedback too.
We have been enjoying PE outdoors and have been developing bat and ball skills as well as team work and team tactics when playing field games. We have been gaining confidence when following the rules of a game and taking time to reflect on how to manage our emotions when the game does not go the way we wanted.
In health we are focused on building up our self-esteem. We have been discussing together how negative words and environments can cause our self esteem to spiral downwards. We have been practising talking about the good things in our day and how to find the positives in any situation. We have also been working out how to turn a situation round and discovering that, with the right tools, no situation is too big.
We are very excited about Christmas and have began to learn about Christmas traditions all around the world. We are very excited to learn from other clans and find out what traditions that they have discovered!