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Ben Lomond Residential - Lockerbie Kitlist

Ben Lomond are preparing for our first ever residential trip!

As you know, we are going to Lockerbie Manor on 1st-3rd March.

Please click the link below to view the suggested kitlist of essential items your child will need to pack, as well as some useful notes about optional items and which items will not be allowed.

Lockerbie Kitlist – Ben Lomond 2023

A paper copy has already went home with your child after having a thorough discussion about everything in class. If you still have any questions or queries please let us know.

Please note – we understand there could be costs incurred from potentially buying new items. If you have any concerns about this please reach out for support, we are happy to help.


We would also like to invite you along to an online information session about the residential, the information is below. If you are unable to attend, we will share the presentation on the blog.
01/02/23 – 6pm

P7 Residential Information Session: Teams  

Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 340 806 909 89 Passcode: NvXp3r

*changed date


Thank you!


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