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Nursery Chronicle 24.03.23

Calderwood Nursery Chronicle 24.03.23

Calderwood Commitments Actions:

Calderwood Calendar


31st March – Champion Conversations

27th– 31st – World Autism Acceptance Week – dress in your favourite colour

3rd– 17th April School Closed – Nursery Open

14th April – Champion Conversations (specific clans)



You can find upcoming dates here


Calderwood Communication (For information):

Champion Conversations

Please arrive just before your appointment. There will be a small waiting area in which you can look through the floor book. Your child’s champion will meet you at the waiting space and bring you to their allocated space on the nursery floor. You will have a 10-minute slot to discuss your child’s progress. We look forward to seeing you all then.

Parents Garden Project

On the 27th March, throughout the day, we are welcoming 1 member of a child’s family to visit our nursery garden to support with planting, weeding, tidying and developing this space. If you will attend with your child please just let us know on the door at the sign up sheet.

Leaf Award

Our children have begun visiting the forest to learn all about respecting the forest as part of our Leaf Award. All children will have the chance to visit the forest over the next few weeks.

Autism Acceptance Week

Across this week children can wear their favourite colour to nursery on any day. This is to showcase the spectrum of colour and celebrate all children’s uniqueness. Find out more:


If anyone would like to come into nursery to share with the children their job. Please let us know. The children have been enjoying these sessions. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered so far.



The children have been interested and learning all about the roles and responsibility of people in different jobs.

This week at home ask your child to explore people at home’s jobs. What skills does that person need? What do they do every day?

You can also use this website to explore some engineer profiles –

As always, please share any experiences with us on Online Learning Journals.

As ever, thank you for your continued support. If you would like to leave us any feedback, please click here.

Kindest Regards,

The Nursery Champions

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