Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 02/06/23
PDF Link Here: Calderwood Chronicle_02_06_23
Calderwood Commitments (Actions):
- C in the Park tickets on sale in iPay. £3 per adult/ child until 9th These tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable.
- Information for those attending the Rookie Rockstars Concert on Wednesday and Thursday.
- In the sunnier weather can you please ensure children are wearing sun cream to school, they might want to bring a hat for when they are outdoors.
Calderwood Calendar:
- Term 4 Calendar link Updated – updates in yellow
- East Calder Gala Events
- 26/05/23 – 09/06/23: C in the Park tickets on sale in iPay. £3 per adult and/or child. These tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable.
- 06/06/23: 6pm: Parent Council Meeting: Click here for agenda and Zoom link.
- 07 & 08/06/23: 6:30pm: Rookie Rockstars Concert: Pre Purchased Tickets required
- 09/06/23: East Calder Gala Day Crowning Ceremony: Glee and Choir to meet at 5:50pm at East Calder Park, please wear school uniform.
- 09/06/23: 11:15am: Mull Clan Calderwood Connects – 2 family members welcome
- 10/06/23: 12:45pm: Grand Gala Parade -Almondell Cemetery Car Park: School and nursery children will walk together, behind our school banner and dress up as a Disney character, we will also have banners available. Children should be accompanied by an adult.
- 13/06/23: 9:00-10:15am: Calderwood Chats: Drop in and have look at your child’s jotter and profile with them.
Calderwood Communication:
- Free School Meals and Clothing Grant Information: Although all children in Primary 1-5 received free school meals, it is important that those families who are entitled to the free school meals grant apply, as this can get free school milk for your child and access to other support, in and out of school The clothing grant application also helps you to receive funding to purchase uniform supplies for your child. The link has more information and our equity champs are more than happy to support you with filling out the forms.
- Calderwood Chatter in our Cosy Corner is open from 11-12pm every FRIDAY for a cuppa and a friendly chat if you need any advice, support or just a listening ear.
- Clan Changeover 2023: Transition Information
- C in the Park
Calderwood Compliments:
- This week we welcomed our new Depute Head Teacher Miss Stark and Principal Teacher Miss Connor, you can find out more about them here.
- Thank you Orkney Clan for your fantastic Calderwood Connects today! We loved how you shared your learning over the last year, through acting song and dance! Shetland Clan shared a super exciting Calderwood Connects last week all about space! They shared their learning in a fun and exciting way. The week previous to that, Skye Clan taught us all about engineering and space, we all loved their engineering song. Thank you to everyone who joined us.
- Thank you to the Glencourse Pipe Band who joined us to kick off Gala season!
- Our Calderwood Knicks Basketball Team came 6th in the West Lothian Wolves silver play offs last week, a huge congratulations to them and their coaches, Mrs Robertson and Ms Morrison.
- Some of our children have been visiting the Listening Hub, part of the East Calder Hub to support our local community. The visitors there have commented on the friendliness, listening and caring nature of our children. You can find more information about the service here.
- Our amazing Stag Squad represented Calderwood in the Edinburgh Regional Glee Final last week, they had two outstanding performances! Photos to come soon. We are so proud of our Glee Group and all they have achieved! Thank you to Mrs McGarvey and Mrs Clarkson for leading them.
- Last night children whose entries were awarded Highly Commended or Winners attended the – If You Were an Engineer What Would You Do? Primary Engineering Competition Award Ceremony at Edinburgh University, along with their champions. Children who were awarded Distinction also had their entries displayed at the public exhibition. Congratulations to our children for these fantastic achievements. A huge thank you to Miss Christie and our champions for inspiring our children and ensuring STEM is at priority within our curriculum and for attending the event. Photos will be available on this link soon.