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Nursery Chronicle 23/06/23


30/06/23 Last day of term for school
04/07/23 Summer Party 1:30pm-3:00pm
06/07/23 Summer Party 10:30am-12:00pm
17/07/23 Stay and Play Family Event 10:00am-11:30am
19/07/23 Stay and Play Family Event 1:30pm-3:00pm
24/07/23 Stay and Play Family Event 1:30pm-3:00pm
26/07/23 Stay and Play Family Event 10:00am-11:30am
11/08/23 Nursery Leavers Event (parents invited)



You can find upcoming dates here

Calderwood Commitments Actions:


Calderwood Communication (For information):

Champion Update

We will be saying goodbye to Miss Shepherd who has been a wonderful support to our nursery children.  Everyone would like to wish her well in her new post.  Miss Long will join our nursery team to be our Tawny Owl Champion.

A warm welcome also goes to Mrs McGowan who has joined as a Nursery Support Champion.

We are delighted to welcome Miss Brito back from maternity leave.  Miss Brito and Mrs Lewis will now share the Highland Cow Clan.  Mrs Lewis will be here every Monday, Tuesday and alternating Fridays.  Miss Brito will be here every Wednesday, Thursday and alternating Fridays.


LEAF Award

We are excited to launch our Forest Explorer Bags.  We have two bags with den building kits and activities to do in the forest.  These are available for our families to borrow and we have a padlet for everyone to share their experiences.

These Forest Explorer Bag are part of the LEAF Award we are working towards.  This award aims to promote outdoor learning.  Sign up using the link above or speak to a member of staff in nursery.


Summer Absences

A reminder to inform the nursery of absences during the Summer.  Please email the school office of any absences.  This will ensure you are not contacted as part of our safe arrivals procedures.



Our Preschool children will receive their progress reports from Friday 23rd June.  Please contact the nursery team if you do not receive one.  Children who have recently started with us will receive their report in August.


Warm Weather

Thank you to everyone for applying suncream to their child before the start of their session.  We continue to apply this throughout the day.  Children are being encouraged to drink water regularly and spend times indoors and in the shade.  Please can all children bring a sun hat to further protect them during hot weather.  This should be labelled with their name.


Free School Meal and Clothing Grant

If you are entitled, completing this application will provide your child with lunch everyday, school milk and access to support services, clothing grant and extra support if required in school.


Calderwood Community Cupboard

Calderwood has been developing ways to support families due to the cost of living crisis.

With your help, we have created our own community cupboard which is stocked with everyday items for those times that you need a helping hand.



This week our children have been enjoying den building.  They have enjoyed stories and games in their dens.  Can you build a den at home?  It could be inside or outside.  We would love to see a photo of your den.

As always, please share any experiences with us on Online Learning Journals.

As ever, thank you for your continued support. If you would like to leave us any feedback, please click here.

Kindest Regards,

The Nursery Champions

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