Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 08/12/23
PDF link: Calderwood Chronicle 08_12_23
Calderwood Commitments:
- 11/12/23 – 19/12/23: iPay open for Term 3 milk order: Milk orders will not be available after date.
Calderwood Calendar:
- You will find December events dates here: Term 2 Family Calendar Link
- 08/12/23: Calderwood Connects: Advent theme from the outreach team from Kirknewton and East Calder Parish Church. This will involve a story about advent and some songs. Please email the office to let us know if this is something you would prefer your child not to attend. For clans only.
- 11/12/23: Christmas Party: Ben Lawers and Ben Lomond (am). Wear your party clothes to school.
- 11/12/23 – 19/12/23: iPay open for Term 3 milk order: Milk orders will not be available after date.
- 12/12/23:
- 15am: Skye and Shetland Nativity
- 45am: Mull and Orkney Nativity
- 00pm: Ness and Linlithgow (P1 pupils only) Nativity
- Three tickets have been issued per child, per show. Please bring then along with you,
- Chiefs, House, Vice Captains to wear P7 shirts and ties and Choir to wear school uniform and not P.E Kit please.
- 13/12/23:
- 15am: Mull and Orkney Nativity
- 45am: Ness and Linlithgow (P1 pupils only) Nativity
- 00pm: Skye and Shetland Nativity
- Three tickets have been issued per child, per show. Please bring then along with you,
- Chiefs, House, Vice Captains to wear P7 shirts and ties and Choir to wear school uniform and not P.E Kit please.
- 13/12/23: Primary 4 Clans Excursion: Please ensure you have paid on iPay, returned the EE2 and ordered a pack lunch if required.
- 14/12/23: Christmas Party: Bluebell and Bramble (am) Christmas Party: Thistle and Schiehallion (pm) Wear your party clothes to school.
- 15/12/23: Calderwood Christmas Celebration Connects for Parents/ Carers
- 9:15-10:00am: Primary 2-3
- 10:15-11:00am: Primary 4-7
- Two adults per family – no tickets required
- Christmas Jumper/ accessory: (normal uniform on bottoms)
- 18/12/23: Christmas Party: Dundee (am). Christmas Party: Aberdeen (am). Christmas Party: Stirling (pm). Wear your party clothes to school.
Calderwood Communication:
- Christmas Parties Social Story
- P1 Christmas Show Social Story
- Triple P Parenting Programme Opportunity at Calderwood
Calderwood Construction:
- Works Completed in the Week:
- Metal deck and reinforcement for upper floor
- Under slab drainage
- Blockwork underbuilds to complete
- Crane lift for roof works complete
- Two Week Look Ahead
- Roof install to Continuing
- Trim trail work ongoing
- Upper first floor slab prep and pour
Calderwood Compliments:
- A huge thank you to our Parent Council for organising our fantastic Christmas Fayre last week. Thank you to our families and champions wo helped out on the day. Thank you to our choir and musicians, West Calder High School and Trav for performing. Thank you to everyone who supported the event!
- Our Bens clans loved sharing their learning with the P4-6 clans. Their IDL showcase was all about Global Conflict with each group researching and presenting a different related topic. They received lots of positive feedback from our pupils.
- Our Christmas Lunch was a huge success this week! Thank you to our Kitchen, Office and PSW champs to helped to organise the event and to our Ben Clans for serving up the lunch.
- Our clans were very excited to watch our Primary 1 clans Christmas Show, dress rehearsals this week! Thank you for letting us have a sneak peek.