Dundee - Outstanding Olympians
Dundee Clan have begun work on their new learning ‘Outstanding Olympians’. We explored the origins of the Olympic games and how the competition has changed over time. We let our creative side shine through by choosing a challenge to undertake to show our understanding. Some of us created a new logo for the games incorporating the origins of the Olympics, some made a story to explain it with puppets, some of us have used technology to create presentations and some of us created a model of the Olympic stadium.
We have also been exploring the different food groups from the Eatwell plate and how each of these keep us healthy. Following on from this we all had a go at creating a healthy snack – a pitta pizza. We had a go at chopping onions and peppers to use as a topping for our pizza. We will continue to explore healthy food options and what this means for our bodies and explore the healthy lifestyle of an Olympic athlete.