Loose Parts Primary 1- Primary 3
We are looking for donations of loose parts and sewing materials for our Primary 1- Primary 3.
Loose-parts play is a type of open-ended play-based learning that encourages children to use their creativity and imagination. The phrase ‘loose parts’ refers to the variety of natural and man-made objects that children use. Loose-parts play is accessible for children of all ages and abilities. Loose parts can be anything – the aim is to allow children to engage with the materials in an imaginative way.
Examples of Loose Parts that could be donated:
Pebbles/Stones, Pine cones, Shells, Buttons, Beads, glass gems, bubble wrap, pegs, bottle caps/jar lids, material offcuts, ribbons.
If you would like to donate and unsure if suitable, please get in touch with Miss Connor.