Calderwood Primary Chronicle: 07/02/2025
Calderwood Calendar:
- Updated: 2024-25 Calendar
- Children Resume: Tuesday 18th
- Dress Down Day: Friday 28th Please refrain from sending children in football tops or crop tops.
Calderwood Communication:
- If your child requires medication, please ensure this is handed into the office and the correct forms are completed. Children should not carry medication in their school bag.
- If your child is going to be absent from school, it is vital that you inform the school office at your earliest convenience. This can be via phone call or email (
- We will be covering the NSPCC “Speak Out. Stay Safe.” materials the week beginning 17th Please see the letter emailed on 4th February with further information regarding this.
Road Safety:
- We have been looking at Road Safety in all of our clans for the past couple of weeks and the children have really enjoyed doing this. SLT are currently looking through the entries for the poster competition and the winning designs will be printed on to Park Smart banners to have up outside the school.
- We have already had a staggering response to the Parent/Carer Travel survey – thank you so much for your input – we really appreciate it! Your feedback will help to inform our School Travel Plan. If you have not already completed the survey, the link is open until Tuesday, 18th February here.
Calderwood Compliments:
- On Friday, 31st January, we held our Calderwood Scottish Poetry Recital. All of the children who were in the final rounds were outstanding and we are so proud of each and every one of them. Thank you to all our families who supported our children to learn their poems and were able to come along to watch the recital on Friday. We also want to thank our Parent Council Chair, Jo Ferguson, and retired Peel Primary teacher Linda Povey for giving up their own time to judge the recitals. A huge well done to our overall winners from Early, First and Second Level.
- On Thursday, 6th February, Baird, Burns and Mackintosh clans enjoyed their Sharing the Learning event with their families. The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing what they had been learning in school with their families and we appreciate the support of those who were able to make it along.
- Ness clan put on a brilliant Connects about Scottish Battles. Well done to our learners and thank you to Miss Arkless for making this possible.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a restful break. We look forward to seeing the children return to school on Tuesday, 18th February.